Welcome to Kinna's Kitchen
Taste of South East Asia Laos, Made in New Mexico USA
About Kinna's Kitchen
The trademark characteristics of Laos chili paste are its intense sweet and spicy aromatic/herbal flavors (from the New Mexico organic Red chilies, garlic, ginger, shallots, etc). Depending on the cook's preference, the intensity of the chili paste is typically remembered/fame for its appetizing spiciness.The spiciness seems to be perfectly enhanced/complimented by the sweetness _ making you want to eat more. The taste of mild/neutral sticky rice and naturally sweet steamed veg such as Brassica balances the equation and mellows/tempers the heat/chili sensation well.
"Terrifically Flavorful..."
"Take a taste of the paste and is easy to see why: Kinna's has the upfront flavor and smoky subtly lost in so many "hot" sauces, recently Kinna's made its paste event better by changing the recipes inclusion go sugar for certified organic evaporeted cane juice. Something that taste really good just got healthier.
The next time you are keen for heat but want to try something different go local and reach out for Kinna's Laos Chile Paste it is flavorful and spicy enough to make a New Mexican proud"
Kinna's Kitchen
Kinna's chile products are made with all natural ingredients and small batches to maintain the quality, we use no artificial ingredients, no stabilizers. We are available at any Albuquerque and Santa Fe NM Whole Foods Market, local co-op, and Ta-Lin International Market, Keller's Farm Stores. We are also available at kinnas.net and kinnaskitchen.com  We have the Laos Chile Paste, the Vegan version of the Laos Chile Paste, Vegan Chile Paste we also have the Vegan Mango Salsa which is our best seller, lastly we have the Vegan Tamarind Chile Sauce which is the best for foods like chicken and dip. To purchase any of these products go to any of the location which the product is available.